Youth Hero Picture


Tim Carey
Contact Tim
Tim and Jen

Tim & Jen

Being a teenager can feel like you're on a roller coaster- unsure of when the next big bend in the track will appear. Thinking back to our own time as youth we remember the sudden twists and turns. We also remember when we encountered Jesus in a life altering way. At that time Jesus became real and our lives were forever changed. Our heart is to see youth encounter Christ and to encourage them in their pursuit of Him. We are so excited and grateful to serve.

Youth Trips

Our youth are very active in the community, we host several outings and outreach events throughout the year.
  • A Summer Missions Trip
  • A Winter Ski Trip
  • Retreats

Sundays at St. Giles

Youth at St. Giles meet frequently on Sundays for youth targeted ministry. In the mornings, youth Sunday School meets at 9:30 AM and then again on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.

Youth in Service

Our philosophy of youth ministry includes actively engaging youth in service and outreach. Youth at St. Giles consistently serve the poor, share their faith actively, learn to pray and study the Scriptures, and play together.

Pastoral Care for Youth at St. Giles

At St. Giles we have a keen awareness that not only do teens need to know Christ, they also need to know that they are loved and known by others in the church. We are blessed to have a gifted Youth Pastor (who is ordained and fully qualified) with years of experience focusing on teens. We know each teen at St. Giles by name and seek to consistently provide them a safe, joyful, and encouraging environment wherein they can grow into the person Jesus intends for them to be.
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Join us in worship

Worship with us in person or online. We'd love to have you!

Our services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. We also have a live stream available for those who can't make it in person.