
Sharon Seward
Phone: 704-553-1977
Contact Sharon


Welcome to the St. Giles Kids Ministry where our kids learn to know what it means to be a King’s Kid! Jesus said, Let the little children come to me…Matt. 19:14 and it is our desire to come alongside parents to help them show their children the way. Our focus is to help our children grow up to be great young people who know and love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Mark 12:30. We are happy you are here and look forward to meeting you soon!

St. Giles Kids Logo

Sunday Mornings

Creation Kids (Infant – K’s)

9:30 am Sunday School & 10:30 am CK Creation Kids Worship
Creation Kids & Parents Check-In Station – One of our CK Coordinators will be there to help “First Timers” complete a Family Enrollment Card, get your child’s Name Tag, and guide you and your child to their class. Welcome! We hope you feel at home here!

Kiosk Check-In is provided at the Check-In Station. After your first visit simply type your child’s name and click on their name when the list shows up. A printed name tag will be provided with a Check-Out number that corresponds with a second printed pick-up ticket for parents.

King’s Kids (1st – 5th Grade)


Upcoming Events

Monthly Nurturing Moms! Our pastor’s wife, Helen Atwood, leads a special meeting with moms the first Friday of every month (10:00 AM to Noon) in the Fellowship Hall during the school year to discuss topics from a chosen parenting book. It’s a great time for ladies to get together for coffee/tea and some good conversation! Childcare is provided.

Yearly Kids’ Activities!

Join us in worship

Worship with us in person or online. We'd love to have you!

Our services are held every Sunday at 10:30am. We also have a live stream available for those who can't make it in person.